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  • Writer's pictureNick Miaritis

The "WTF Method" For Productivity

We all have epic to-do lists that seem to grow exponentially each day. If you’re like me, there are things on the list that you are more excited about doing and a few other things that you have absolutely no desire to do. These types of things tend to stay on the to-do list a long time and end up causing a ton of anxiety because you can always sense them hanging over your head each day.

Rather than continue to put those things off, try using the “WTF Method” (Worst Thing First Method) for productivity. Here’s how it works:

1). First thing in the morning, identify the single WORST thing on your list that you are absolutely dreading having to do (e.g. writing that PowerPoint presentation, your taxes, time sheets, etc.).

2). Prioritize that thing to be the FIRST thing you do when your workday starts. Create a calendar invite for yourself, so you can see the time blocked out.

3). DO IT! Don’t think about it too much, just start in on it right away. Try setting a timer on your phone for whatever period of time is needed to make a dent in the task — commit to doing nothing else during this time. (*** If you’re easily distracted by your phone, try downloading Flipd — this app is amazing and casually locks you out of your phone for a set period of time).

4). When the timer goes off, stop doing the task and get going on the other stuff you need to focus on during the day. It’s ok if you don’t finish the task — all that matters is that you got closer to getting it done and alleviated some of the dread that comes from not prioritizing it.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, hit that heart button below. Would mean a lot to me and it helps other people see the story.

Happy “WTF-ing” :)

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